Whistleblower function

If you encounter any injustices or sustainability-related concerns at the fair or any other eeeDays-related events, please report them directly by completing the linked form.

OUr sustainability partner

Hand in Hand Sweden is a non-profit organization that works with entrepreneurship as an effective, long-term and sustainable way of fighting poverty. Through training and a supportive network, Hand in Hand helps people reach their full potential and become successful, small-scale entrepreneurs to lift themselves and their families out of poverty in the long term.


Want to know more about Hand in Hand Sweden? Click HERE.

Hand in Hand Sweden

Zero Mission

ZeroMission helps you reach climate goals by offering companies and organizations help to set an effective climate strategy, work with climate calculations and carbon offsetting. Their vision is to work with customers and project partners to contribute to positive impact for the planet.

Do you want to know more? Click HERE.